Saturday, June 03, 2006

will blog now when i have time...well what happened today?......i slept ten hours...its about time i had sufficient sleep so as to allow my muscles to recover...ate dumpling for breakfast...after breakfast tidied my room...its super untidy...goodness as I am typing i find that this entry sounds so weird...during lunch i read the entries at time that i start contributing already...during evening went to buy shoes together with jun yao…when he arrived…I thought that I didn’t bring the big walk-reebok voucher…so he called yun yi to see whether she can bring it over and at the same time see what reebok stuff she wants to buy…few minutes after ending that phone call…my mom called jun yao…telling me to check my back pocket…and…magic…the voucher was there!…guess I have to be alert and not be so blur…how can i possibly forget that i actually brought something?...I finally bought a new pair of shoes…any more delay and I am going to get injured very soon…its reebok this time round…well…my dream mizuno shoes will have to wait a little while more…